Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Sweat Stinks!

Underarm sweat?

Don’t hide it. Get rid of it.

Call 585.272.9346 to schedule your FREE consultation!

How it works
miraDry® is the only FDA-cleared procedure that provides a lasting reduction of underarm sweat in a completely non-invasive way. It’s an outpatient procedure performed in the physician’s office. miraDry works by delivering precisely controlled electromagnetic energy to the underarm area, eliminating the underarm sweat glands.

Two procedures, 3 months apart, are typically recommended to maximize the quality and duration of results. Each appointment lasts about an hour. Other treatment options, including antiperspirants and toxins, aim to temporarily disable the sweat glands for varying lengths of time – requiring repeated treatments to maintain effectiveness


The miraDry system eliminates the underarm sweat glands, and the sweat glands don’t grow back after treatment. This results in a dramatic and lasting reduction of underarm sweat. In a clinical study, patients experienced an average of 82% reduction in underarm sweat.

You should notice a reduction in sweat immediately after treatment. As with any medical procedure, results will vary by person.

What to Expect
You can expect minimal to no downtime following the procedure. You should be able to return to normal activities or work right away, and you can typically resume exercise within several days.

Call 585.272.9346 to schedule your FREE consultation!

Informational Video